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GST : 33FPBPS8738N1Z3 | Gold Certified

We prioritize quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction above all else. Our diverse range of industrial hydraulic machinery and tools, including the advanced White Iron Hydraulic Deep Drawing Press and the reliable 10 kW MS Hydraulic Power Pack, ensures we meet your specific needs. 

Here's why choosing us is a smart move:

  1. Product Variety
  2. Attention to Detail
  3. Innovation
  4. Customer Support
  5. Competitive Pricing
  6. Customization Options

With Presstech, you're not just buying equipment; you're forming a partnership built on trust, excellence, and dedicated support. 

Let us elevate your business with our quality solutions and personalized service.



We're on a mission to revolutionize the industrial hydraulic machinery and tools sector. Our goal is simple yet ambitious - to set the standard for quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With products like the groundbreaking 100 Ton Hydraulic Forging Press and the reliable 10 kW MS Hydraulic Power Pack, we're not just meeting industry standards; we're surpassing them. Through our relentless pursuit of excellence and solid commitment to service, we're shaping the future of the industry. Join us in our journey to redefine what's possible and experience the Presstech difference for yourself.

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